Friday 20 November 2009


Images which effectively communicate a message to an audience I really like the idea behind this poster, but feel like the text takes on a prominant role, which I feel doesn't live up to the concept. When I first saw this poster, I loved it. But the more I look at it, the more unimpressed I am. If I was to look at this as a member of the general public or the intended audience, I don't think I would instantly know it was for an Architectural Exhibition if it wasn't for the text at the side, which is fine as it is there for this purpose. However, I keep getting the feeling that the designer was trying to communicate that through "Chicago" and I'm just not getting that message. Granted, it was designed in 1987, so maybe that has something to do with the communication.

- Chicago poster for Architecture Exhibition, Philippe Apeloig (France)

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