Sunday 7 March 2010

Dave the Chimp

I found Dave the Chimp when researching for the 'Don't Panic: Vogue' brief. He designed one of their envelopes and I really liked his style. Turns out his main focus is street art. His pieces have a message to them and are open to all to see. I really like his work and love his style of illustration. He works with rubbish and I especially like his series on mattresses, its really effective. I guess you have to stand out with street art so you get noticed and produce work which is recognisable as an individual style.

- "ever wondered what lurks in those green boxes? now you know..." Dave the Chimp

- If you smoke, I smoke (one off addition to government campaign poster), East London, Dave the Chimp

- Street sleepers (pieces on mattresses on the streets of London to demonstrate the amount of people especially kids who sleep rough, Dave the Chimp

- 75 little people containing mini magazine called 'smile', drawings and a letter to the finder encouraging them to greet everyone with a smile, London, Dave the Chimp

Something else I found was this video showing how he makes alot of his characters using only one line. This is a brilliant idea and really effective at producing art in his style. I think it is really interesting and has got me thinking about what else you can make from just one line of something. Brilliant work. 

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