Sunday 30 October 2011

Lost in Lace - publications

The publications are similar to the exhibition and work so well compared to others! It really shows how effective an identity can be across a range yet still compliment the content.

Lost in Lace - exhibition

This was the best exhibition I have seen to date. The whole experience of the exhibition was so well put together and every aspect contemplated the main exhibited items.

Lost in Lace was a contemporary reflection of lace and the graphics really related to the content through the use of non-traditional and non-stereotypical designs.

Birmingham Museum - publications

Like the exhibition found in the main Museum and Art Gallery, the publications were average and not as contemporary as The Henry Moore Institute.

Birmingham Museum - exhibition

Pretty average graphics to guide you round the Birmingham Museum. I did like how they used large type on the walls to help the audience know where they are, and also the range of information, however it did seem quite dated compared to The Henry Moore Institute.

Saturday 29 October 2011

Additional briefs

I am adding 2 more briefs for the submission of OUGD301. Brief 05 will some typographic song lyrics posters which will be sold at the Leeds College of Art pop-up shop. Brief 06 will be the information rich material displayed in Digital Print.

I decided tro take on more briefs to ad some deoth to my submission and both of these briefs are live and will have a function in the outiside world.

Friday 28 October 2011


I have chosen my ISTD brief today. Not too happy with this being so typographic based and less illustrative but I am hoping to find a nice balance between the two.


Thursday 27 October 2011

Henry Moore - flyers

Quite unimpressed and uninspired by the leaflets. Some are really good, such as the 'film for an abandoned projector' and 'looking sideways' but especially the feedback and comments for the exhibition are awful. I know they simply need to be filled in, but they are not very welcoming.

Henry Moore Institute - publications

Pretty impressed with the publications produced for the Henry Moore Institute. Especially the postcard strip which can be used and the quality of stock and finishes applied. These leaflets are representing and showing off the art works and so they must ooze quality.

Henry Moore Institute - exhibition

Paid a visit to the Henry Moore Institute in Leeds to gather some primary exhibition research. I do like the presentation of promotion and also their feature walls for certain exhibitions. However I did find the wayfinding a bit inconsistent. I understand that the plaques next to exhibited work needs to be secondary, however I do find them quite boring.

Tuesday 25 October 2011

Nottingham Trent - Best in Show

Designed by Chris Marsden and Dave Raxworthy, I think this is a bit insulting, but beautifully executed and humorous! Showing how the application of one idea works so well over a huge range of products to create an atmosphere and event. Brilliant!


The thing that stands out from Fontsmith to me is the creation of fonts for big businesses. They are different fonts, however they are not really as illustrative I would say as I would like to create. But they do seem to be a great studio.


Type Foundry, born from A2/SW/HK. Absolutely beautiful stuff and really nice look for their specimen book. Many other specimen books have quite a simple design, and this is no exception, however the addition of the lucid pink really brings the whole thing to life and the continuous use of A across the spreads keeps a convention but shows the difference between fonts.


Oh my days... I love this studio, especially as they also have a type foundry! (A2-Type)

Great inspiration for my exhibition Brief 03 for ways to make an identity across a range for exhibition purposes. I may contact this studio for feedback on my portfolio and possibly a placement!


"Playtype a foundry and online font shop was created by brand & design agency e-Types, as a showcase of more than 20 years of type design – from commissioned works to fonts created out of passion. Typography is and has always been the focal point of graphic design by e-Types. Through many years of working with typography it started to make sense transforming our foundry's typeface portfolio into a fontshop open to everyone."

I think it is a fantastic idea to have a store! Although I don't know how much traffic they would actually have... I want to go and visit this place!

Is Not Magazine

Brilliant idea for communal reading and a demonstration of how I could move a magazine into a new light. Also on a large scale, shows me how I could design something for use in the environment.

"Is Not Magazine is a magazine in the form of a 1.5m x 2m bill poster. Is Not is independently published, carries no advertisements and is, among other things, an experiment in publishing real content where people expect to find advertising. It’s a design challenge and a reading experiment; a paper saving device; a bastion of editorial complexity and a grey area for the discerning communal reader. It uses the city as a canvas and brings reading to life. Approach it from any angle; bend down curiously; lean in for a closer look; embark on a treasure hunt to find a story that ends in another location."